You can now enjoy a tempting and mouthwatering chocolate, that too without any guilt, because we have a “HEALTHY CHOCOLATE RECIPE” for you.
Agree or not, majority of the population loves to eat chocolate, but due to maintaining a perfect and healthy lifestyle, they have to say “NO” to the very tasty “CHOCOLATE”
But that what we serve you, “Healthy delicious recipes”, and this chocolate recipe is going to become your go to favorite recipe once you try it.
- Helps in detoxification.
- Helps boost resistance against infections and diseases.
- Bolsters the immunity.
- Good for the gut.
- Helps in maintaining and improving good cholesterol levels.
- Helps in controlling blood sugar levels.
- Enhances healthy skin and hair.
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Assembling time: 1 hour-2 hour
Calories: 49 Kcal/ serve
Serves: 13-14
1 | Crushed jaggery | 1/2 cup |
2 | Unsweetened cocoa powder | 1/3 cup |
3 | Cold pressed virgin coconut oil | 2-3 tbsp. |
- Add some cold pressed coconut oil in a pan.
- To it, add jaggery and mix well, and let it caramelize.
- Now add cocoa powder to the pan.
- Mix it well and stir continuously to avoid any lump formation.
- Pour the prepared chocolate batter into the moulds.
- Let it refrigerate for some time.
- And take out the chocolate out of the moulds.
- Your healthy and nutritious homemade chocolates are ready!
- Jaggery is a decent source of iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
- Cocoa powder is enriched which “theobromine” which helps in reducing inflammation and prevents diseases.
- Coconut oil is abundant in vitamin E, and cold pressed coconut oil is known to be the highest quality of coconut oil, as it retains all the nutrients perfectly.

- Cold pressed coconut oil is the best known form of coconut oil as it contains natural saturated fats that increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels in your body.
- Jaggery is rich in copper, iron, and magnesium.
- Cocoa powder is rich in theobromine, which helps to reduce inflammation. It is also enriched with phytonutrients but low in fat and sugar.
690 Kcal | 105 g | 5.4 g | 29.6 g |
Enjoy this festive season with “Healthy 3 ingredients chocolate”!