All about Triphala

Triphala means the combination of “three fruits” in Sanskrit.

These fruits are:

  1. Amla, (also known as Indian Gooseberry/ Phyllanthus Emblica)
  2. Bibhitaki (also known as Baheda/ Terminalia Belliricia)
  3. Haritaki (also known as Harad/ Terminalia Chebula)

These fruits are dried and powdered, and then mixed in the right and an equal proportion of (1+1+1) to make Triphala churna.

Triphala is one of the most popular and magical formulas in Ayurveda and has many health benefits for all three Ayurveda’s dosha constitutions.


  • It is rich in Vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals.
  • It includes powerful antioxidants like phenols, tannins, and curcuminoids.
  • It has cooling properties.
  • It promotes liver function.
  • It helps in detoxification.
  • It boosts immunity.


  • It promotes the normal functioning of the respiratory system and cleanses the lungs.
  • It helps maintain sugar levels.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It is also high in antioxidants like lignans, Gallic acid, and flavones.
  • It is slightly warm.


  • It is also named “King of Ayurvedic Medicine).
  • It detoxifies the body and helps in weight loss.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium.
  • It is prominently used in Ayurvedic Medicine to treat digestive issues like constipation.


One teaspoon of Triphala i.e. 3 grams consists of:

Calories10 Kcal
Carbohydrates3 g
Fiber1 g


  1. It promotes weight loss and may help reduce belly fat.
    • Triphala churna aids in enhancing metabolism.
    • Promote hormones that support weight loss.
    • Promote digestive health in the best possible way and also cures constipation due to its laxative properties.
    •  Fight fatigue and boosts energy levels.
    • Increase nutritional absorption.
    • It helps control binge eating and cravings.
  2. It detoxifies the body.
    • The pack of antioxidants in Triphala supports the bowel health, digestion process and helps in detoxification.
  3. It boosts immunity.
    • The goodness of the three magical fruits is a powerful combination that enhances and boosts immunity.
  4. Good for dental health.
  5. Supports healthy eyes.
    • Triphala is a blessing for the eyes and helps in maintaining good vision.
  6. It regulates and maintains blood sugar levels.
  7. It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  8. It helps in preventing cancer.
  9. It normalizes blood pressure.
  10. It reduces the risk of tumors.
  11. It protects and improves liver functioning.
  12. Boosts healthy skin and hair.
  13. It may reduce stress and anxiety.
  14. It promotes mental health.


“It is known that phytochemicals in Triphala such as quercetin and gallic acid promote the growth of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus species that maintains a healthy gut / digestive tract”


  1. Triphala contains the following tastes/Rasa:
  2. No salty taste.
  3. Sour
  4. Pungent.
  5. Bitter.
  6. Astringent.
  7. Sweet.
  8. The potency and action are normal.
  9. The post-digestive effect of the formula is sweet.
  10. Triphala has special action for all the doshas (energetics and mind-body type) and thus is balanced for all doshas and constitutions.
  11. The gunas or qualities are heavy and dry, and both Bibhitaki and Haritaki are considered light and dry.


“When and How Much?”

  • It is available in the form of oral consumption powder, capsule, tablet, juice, extract form (ark). It is most commonly used in the form of powder.
  • You can make Triphala at home.
  • It is usually made in (1+1+1) proportion but Ayurvedic doctors may tweak it to make best for your body type and treatment for problems.
  • It is used as an ingredient in Ayurvedic shampoos, face masks, eye drops, fungal powder, etc.
  • It is consumed most commonly with water but can also be consumed with honey, ghee, or milk.
  • The best safe method to consume it is with warm or room temperature water.
  • Consult an Ayurvedic doctor for other combinations.


  • At night, before going to bed.

It aids constipation and weight loss.

  • An empty stomach in the morning.

It promotes weight loss and is good for diabetic patients.

  • Post-meal.

It aids indigestion and nutritional absorption. Prefer taking Triphala three times in small portions.


  • 1-2 g of it is safe for consumption. (½ – ¾ tsp.)
  • You can consume 6g-8g (2-3 tsp.) maximum as recommended by an Ayurvedic doctor.
  • If you want to consume it in another form, you can prefer 500 mg tablets.
  • It can be consumed in the form of juice as well. Consume 2-3 tsp. concentrated Triphala juice mixed in the same quantity of water.


  • Triphala water (warm or at room temperature)
  • Triphala Tea (Simmer for 3-8 minutes while making)
  • Soaked powder overnight.


Everyone forgets to mention the possible side effects of an ingredient. It is very important to consider them before using anything as everything comes with its pros and cons.

  1. Overdosage of excessive consumption of it may lead to abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea, loose stools, etc.
  2. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should completely avoid or at least consult your doctor before consuming it.
  3. It might interfere with the ongoing medications.
  4. It may lower blood sugar way too much.
  5. Triphala may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

NOTE: Triphala is a natural detoxifying formula. As a part of the cleansing process, it is not uncommon for toxins to be released from the deeper tissues and enter the bloodstream on their way to being unshared out of the body. When many toxins are released at once it can prompt a “healing crisis”. For some people, this can manifest as a headache, a rash, or nausea, in addition to gas, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

If your cleansing experience becomes too intense, stop taking Triphala until the symptoms subside and then restart using less, or simply reduce the amount you are ingesting. If the symptoms recur, it is best to stop and use and consult a practitioner.

The creation of the combination of these 3 magical fruits is extremely beneficial in curing many health problems.

Enjoy the benefits of this great Ayurvedic invention in prescribed quantities to avoid any issues.

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