January Weight Loss Challenge

January Weight Loss Challenge

January Weight Loss Challenge
Weight Loss Steps For Beginners

It’s that time of year where it seems like everyone is only talking about being healthier and losing weight. But if you’re like majority of people, the good intentions never seem to translate into success. January is the time when everyone tries to inculcate healthy habits in order to lose weight and stay healthy. Weeks of partying, unhealthy festive treats and excessive alcohol intake can take a toll on your body. Start your being healthy, fit and strong goals for this new year with this January weight loss challenge. These simple steps will make sure you feel much better about yourself. This challenge includes five simple steps or habits that you can adopt to start your weight loss program on a promising note. Follow these steps along with our weight loss challenge calendar that includes monthly challenges, diet plans and workout programs which enable you to push the limits and achieve your maximum potential!

Step 1 : 14 / 10 Time Restricted Eating

  • Start your first step by following the 14 / 10 time restricted eating
  • Time restricted eating is a form of daily fasting wherein time of day during which a person eats is limited or compressed
  • Unlike intermittent fasting which involves calories restriction, time restricted eating permits healthy eating during the eating window
  • Time restricted eating aligns the eating and fasting cycles to the body’s innate 24 hour system
  • In the 14 / 10 method, you eat for 10 hours and fast for 14 hours
  • Schedule to be followed
  • Sleep for 8 hours
  • Morning fast for 3 hours
  • Eating for 10 hours
  • Night fasting for 3 hours

Step 2 : Healthy Eating Habits

  • Time restricted fasting isn’t of any use if you don’t eat healthy food
  • Include at least 1 serving of fruits including citrus fruits and 2 serving of vegetables in your diet
  • Apart from wheat, add the following grains in your diet
  • Besan
  • Oats
  • Buckwheat
  • Ragi
  • Millets
  • Quinoa
  • Rice
  • Amaranthi
  • Make sure you have 95 % home cooked meal
  • You can have your treat meal once a week which can be at your favourite restaurant

Step 3 : More than 8000 Steps Daily

  • Not all of us have the luxury of having time for the gym or any other workout daily
  • But at all cost, ensure that you take at least 8000 steps daily
  • Buy a simple watch or fitness band which will enable you to keep a track of the number of steps
  • You can even use any mobile app but carrying your mobile everywhere might not be possible
  • This figure of 8000 steps daily is for the entire cycle of 24 hours in a day
  • 8000 steps roughly make up 6 kms, this is the bare minimum requirement for physical activity in a day
  • Depending on your time, schedule and motivation, you can look to build up on this figure

Step 4 : Body Movement Time

  • Include a bare minimum of 20 minutes daily of body movement time in your routine
  • This body movement time can include all form of workout including walking, dancing, running etc
  • It’s very important for your body to move for a bare minimum period of time

Step 5 : Sound Sleep of 7 – 8 Hours

  • After a long and tiring day, your body needs a minimum of 7 – 9 hours of sleep
  • The body doesn’t function properly without adequate rest
  • Make sure you get sound sleep in the night
  • One very good habit of ensuring sound sleep is keeping all your gadgets away prior to going to bed
  • Make sure you keep your mobile, I pads and laptops at a distance before going to sleep
  • Binging on Netflix or any other channel in your sleep time isn’t healthy for you

Make sure you follow these 5 simple steps to achieve your weight loss goal. Share your progress with us and ask if there’s any query !!

Stay Healthy Stay Fit !!

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