February Weight Loss Challenge; 21 Days Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan.

Food Fitness and Fun brought you by an amazing 21 days weight loss diet plan aimed for the month of february as a challenge for you people. No matter if you could not accept it before, it's never too late to start a good thing. This is a very simple and easy to follow plan,

Veg Diet Plan for Weight Loss & Hormonal Balance. (1400-1600 Calories)

For everyone who hasn't learned it yet and to review the fundamentals:Instead of being a diet, intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting.The intermittent fasting idea typically entails a 16-hour fasting window and an 8-hour eating window.However, the 14: 10 fasting and eating interval is preferable for women.

Only Indian Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan That Works in Weight Loss.

Although, we have discussed many a times about the importance and value of "Intermittent Fasting", but before I share with you the most efficient "Intermittent Fasting Plan", let's get to some basics first.So, intermittent fasting is nothing but an eating strategy that alternates between fasting and regular mealtimes. According to research, intermittent fasting can help

What I Eat In a Day ? My Summer Diet as Dietician (1500 – 1600 Calories Diet)

As I dietitian, I am frequently asked about "What I Eat In A Day"?So as per summer season, what all changes, add-ons, and summery foods and drinks I have added into my diet, you can have a look at it.Always remember a diet shall always be sustainable, the diet which you can not continue for

January weight loss diet plan

With the advent of new year we look to maintain our health and try to achieve our weight loss goals. We gave the weight loss challenge for the month of January which is now followed by the weight loss diet plan for the month of January. https://youtu.be/M6ILYB8Xcpw Guidelines for January weight loss diet challenge Time

January Weight Loss Challenge

The first weight loss challenge of the new year. Start your be fit, be healthy and stay strong goals for 2022 with this January weight loss challenge. This challenge includes simple steps that you can adapt at the beginning to start your weight loss goals on a promising note. https://youtu.be/eJvimS1rspY Record your measurements Record your

December Weight Loss Diet Plan

Weight loss or even maintaining weight in winters isn’t easy. With appetite soaring at it’s highest, refraining from overindulgence is difficult. Keeping all these things in mind, we’ve got the perfect weight loss diet plan for December. Designed with great care, this diet plan is balanced, healthy and has all the nutrients to help keep

Intermittent Fasting Winter Meal Plan

Intermittent fasting has become immensely popular in recent times. I’ve been following intermittent fasting for a while and I cannot stress enough on the benefits. I thought of sharing my meal plan with you all so that all of you can accrue the benefits. This meal plan is suitable for anyone looking to lose weight.

November Weight Loss Diet Plan

This is the diet plan for the month of November. This is a 1300 calorie fat loss meal plan. If you’ve taken up our November festival weight loss challenge to maintain and lose weight, here is the two week weight loss diet plan. This diet plan gives you a balanced and nutritious diet on a

Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan

Intermittent fasting is not a diet plan but an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. It does not say anything about what food to eat but rather when you eat your food. https://youtu.be/Q5StvAsxw5I Intermittent fasting The concept of intermittent fasting generally includes 16 hours of fasting window and 8 hours