All about Hibiscus (गुड़हल) Health Benefits and Hormonal Balance

What is Hibiscus?   Hibiscus is a flowering plant also called Gudhal, japa/Jaba/jawa in Hindi or Chinese rose. Interesting Facts about Hibiscus: Hibiscus is liked by Lord Vishnu, and it also plays a traditional role in sacred ceremonies. Hibiscus is found in more than 200 known varieties. Hibiscus sabdariffa  & Hibiscus acetosella are commonly used. It's a

5 Winter Detox Tea : When & How to Drink

Detox or cleansing teas are herbal teas which contain plant based phytonutrients and antioxidants to increase and support our body’s natural process of detoxification. This happens due to increased metabolism and fat burning abilities. These tea also promote a healthy liver, digestive system and kidneys by streamlining the liver functioning and clearing out the digestive