Magical Tea For Weight Loss

Lemongrass is a type of grass. Lemongrass is often used as a flavor in food and beverages. Lemongrass leaves, for example, are often used in herbal teas as a "lemon" flavor. It includes compounds that are thought to alleviate pain and swelling, lower fever, enhance blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stimulate the uterus and menstrual

Red Detox Summer Tea

Detoxifying is very important as it eliminates and removes toxins from your body, improves your health and supports weight loss too! This summer detox tea is made with “KOKUM” which is a super ingredient with many benefits including: It cures acidity.Good for digestive health.Acts as an antioxidant.It Beats body heat hence it's no less than

5 Winter Detox Tea : When & How to Drink

Detox or cleansing teas are herbal teas which contain plant based phytonutrients and antioxidants to increase and support our body’s natural process of detoxification. This happens due to increased metabolism and fat burning abilities. These tea also promote a healthy liver, digestive system and kidneys by streamlining the liver functioning and clearing out the digestive