High Protein Veg Dinner Soup.

My go-to dinner recipe is soup! In addition to being relatively simple to prepare, soup is also simple to consume. Since it is obviously quite light on the stomach, I prepare and eat it whenever I don't feel like having a regular full-blown meal.This soup is fully loaded with protein and fiber, and very less

Best Zero Calorie Vegetable: Bottle Gourd / Lauki For Quick Weight Loss.

Bottle gourd is one of the healthiest vegetables that is a must addition to your diet.Lauki or dudhi / Bottle Gourd is a powerhouse of nutrients and health benefits.It’s High on water content, therefore known as "Water Vegetable", fiber and is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Lauki Nutrition Bottle gourd contains Several essential nutrients like

Avoid these mistakes for weight loss

Staying fit and healthy is what we all aspire for. There are certain small but important mistakes which you can avoid to achieve consistent weight loss. Let’s look at some of the common mistakes which you should avoid https://youtu.be/VXl5AEmDz7c Focusing too much on scale Your weight doesn’t always tell the entire storyIt doesn’t tell the

Kitchen Hacks To Eat Healthy

Cooking and eating at home is one of the best ways to stay and eat healthy. It is also one of the easiest ways to eat good nutritional food which doesn’t put a hole in your pocket. It is imperative however, that we make our cooking space that is our kitchen as convenient as possible. 

Effective Tips For Permanent Weight Loss

There are some very basic things which all of us can do to stay in our ideal weight. These are not random tips but are based on actual scientific reasoning. These simple tips are effective because they are easy to do and very effective as well. They help you to stay fit and maintain your

Yoga For A Healthy Life

Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration and deep breathing. Regular yoga practice can promote endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility and well being. Yoga is one of the most popular form of exercise around the world. Yoga can be traced back to northern India over 5,000 years ago. Overall philosophy of yoga is

Simple Tips To Cut Calories

There are some simple things which one can do to lose calories. These things can be done without indulging in rigorous exercise or workout. No matter what type of diet or exercise you follow, you need to burn more calories than you consume every day. For most of us, cutting down about 500 calories daily

Lifestyle Changes To Stay Fit And Healthy

There are certain lifestyle changes which one should make to stay fit and healthy. Taking good care of the body is imperative to prevent health problems. Making these changes will also improve any underlying health issues which one might have. Let’s look at these small but important lifestyle changes which you should make https://youtu.be/GonT73GcosY Balance

Morning Juice Recipes For Weight Loss

Here are some recipes for morning juices which are extremely beneficial for weight loss. These nutritious detox drinks are made of moringa, carrots, beetroot and many other wholesome ingredients. These drinks don’t only taste well but are also loaded with plant based compounds. These drinks make you stay energetic and help you shed those extra

Daily To Do List For Weight Loss

Weight loss or staying in your ideal weight is a continuous process. It is a lifestyle which you need to maintain in order to stay fit. We’re prepared a checklist as our basic guideline to lose weight. This list includes the steps you need to take in your weight loss journey. These small steps eventually