Good morning Golden Smoothie

Morning is the most wonderful time of the day due to its splendor of calmness and peace. And to make this part of your day more energizing and revitalizing here is the very scrumptiously nutritious “GOOD MORNING SMOOTHIE”.

Made up of very few and reachable ingredients of the kitchen and that too in a very less of a time, around 5-7 minutes, this smoothie is marvelously delicious and nutritious. Not only it refreshes your soul but fills you up with the essential vitamins and minerals and that too in the morning.

Undoubtedly, this will make a perfect start to your day.

Do give a try to this owing smoothie with the exact recipe stated or minor to major variations depending upon your choice as per season and region.


  1. Boosts the immune system.
  2. Lowers cholesterol.
  3. Maintains blood pressure.
  4. Good for diabetics.
  5. Enhances hair, skin, and eyesight.
  6. Improves brain health and cognitive functions.
  7. Promotes healthy bones.



TOTAL TIME: 5-7 minutes


CALORIES: 170 Kcal


1.Raw/ slightly steamed Carrot2
2.Mango½ cup
3.Almond Milk1 cup
4.Fresh raw turmericSome
5.Black pepper powderPinch
6.GingerSmall piece
7.Honey2 tsp.
8.Mixed seeds powderLittle


  1. In a blender jar, add chopped mango, ginger, fresh turmeric, mixed seeds powder, black pepper powder, honey, chopped raw or slightly steamed carrot, and milk.
  2. Blend them well.
  3. Add more milk to smoothen the consistency.
  4. Transfer it to a serving jar/glass.
  5. And your deliciously nutritious “GOOD MORNING SMOOTHIE” is ready!


You can use and seasonal and flavorful fruit for example banana, as per your choice instead of mangoes.


Mango is a great source of Vitamin A and C. It is loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols.

Carrot is an amazing source of Vitamin A and also a good source of several B vitamins, as well as Vitamin K, and potassium.

Almond milk is an excellent source of Vitamin E, an antioxidant. It neither contains cholesterol, saturated fat, nor lactose. It is one of the best choices for people who are lactose intolerant or follow a strict vegan diet.

170 Kcal37 g2.55 g3.1 g

CALORIES: 170 Kcal

Count on this recipe for more refreshing and uplifting mornings.

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