In the “Food Fad Trend Market”, nothing is spared. Detoxification is another very easy, important and vital process to help body function easily, smoothly and properly. But people have again made it look like some another tough job in order to maximize benefits.
Today we are going to talk about the Best Method to Detox for weight loss.
Let’s understand the term “ DETOX” and How it’s presented in!
So, it is understood as a quick fix or shortcut that is used for cleaning toxins from body thus helping you to lose some extra kilos.
Or A way to reset your system post a heavy meal, holiday or festive season to gove the body a fresh start. It may last for a day to 2 weeks ( depending on the results your are looking for and your determination).
Mostly the detox diets includes low carb meals, juices, drinks, shakes, soups, teas and some time supplements. It is kept to be very restrictive.
People feel like it’s some magical or miracle solution to solve your weight & at time skin problems. It comes with an urgency, guilt and feeling of judgement, which would not help at end.
Truth about Detox & Why It’s of No Use ?

One day or week is not going to turn things around if you are going back to same lifestyle, habits, behaviors and routine.
Actually, Detox means eliminating something that is toxic for you and your body for good.
The term Detox shouldn’t be associated only with our food choices or biochemistry but with mind, physiology and emotions too. Your body can detox itself naturally, when it comes to diet we have kidney, lungs, skin, even heart and other organs doing it for us.
All we need is to support these organs and their functions to enhance and support their working.
Daily ways to detox.
- Exercise daily to filter blood, cells and mind,
- Meditate & do deep breathing to clear & strength lungs,
- Sleep well to recover and rejuvenate,
- Do a digital detox of 4-5 hours for emotional and mental detox.
- Avoid toxic people or negative people, toxic habits ( drinking, wasting time), and unhealthy food behaviours.
- Practice self love.
- Keep your space clean and organised.
- Perform intermittent fasting ( minimum 12-12 window) to give your digestive system a break to recover and rejuvenate.
- Eat home cooked food and make healthy food choices.
- Don’t count calories rather look out for nutrition.

Weekly detox.
- Practice Weekly fasting : Give your digestive system a day off.
- Take out time for things you enjoy.
- Take a complete day off from work, take long shower and relaxing activities.
- Complete digital detox.
Monthly Detox.
- Perform deep cleaning & organize your space at least once a month.
- Declutter space, and mind.
- Spend time doing some planning to get directions for future goals.
- Make plans and Meet your friends and family members.
- Eat only clean food and home cooked food.

For women I would suggest to handover kids to partner, in laws or parents and go for some activity without any guilt feeling, you can take a day or two off
Imagine a day when you have no responsibility and you can do whatever you like.
Quarterly or Half Yearly or Yearly Detox.
- Reconsider and revisit plans.
- Start a hobby.
- Go for hiking, camping in nature.
- Spend time alone.
- Go for a solo trip.
Our body is self sufficient to carry out all the required processes for us, but because of our silly mistakes and unhealthy practices, we make it difficult for it to function, therefore we are the ones who need to sort and make it easy. These were some very easy to follow and adapt habits that you can add to you diet to help your body function and detox easily and functionally.