High Fiber and Protein Breakfast bowl

It’s always advised to have a good amount of fiber and protein in one’s diet. But we often neglect and forget to count on it.

Also, we are recommended to have a good and healthy breakfast loaded with nutrition. Because why not? It’s important to kick start your day with something full of nutrition that boosts your energy.

So the two of the above recommendations can be met by simply trying and consuming this high fiber and protein recipe in your breakfast and fill your body with the required amount of nutrients early in the morning.

This “High fiber and protein smoothie bowl” not only gives you a good ratio of fiber and protein but is satiating and delicious as well. And on top of it, the recipe is easy to make with less time.

Here are some health benefits that are delivered by this recipe:

  1. May boost immunity.
  2. Good for your gut, thus aids digestion.
  3. Helps in eliminating the toxins out of your body.
  4. Lowers bad cholesterol levels and improves blood glucose levels.
  5. It controls hormonal imbalance.
  6. Regulates metabolism and bone health.


COOKING TIME: 5 minutes

TOTAL TIME: 25 minutes

Serves: 1

Calories: 380 Kcal/ Serve


1.Cooked Quinoa½ cup
2.Low-fat Curd½ cup
3.Chopped ripe mango½ cup
4.Roasted Quick Oats1 tbsp. (Optional)
5.100% Peanut butter1 tsp.
6.Jaggery Powder½ tsp.
7.Chia seeds1.5 tsp.
For Garnishing
8.Seeds and NutsYour choice

NOTE: You can also take any seasonal fruit available in place of ripened mango.


  • In a bowl, add low-fat curd and chia seeds.
  • Then add jaggery powder, peanut butter and mix well.

For Cooking Quinoa:

  1. First of all soak quinoa for 30 minutes to an hour.
  2. Boil Quinoa in water with a 1:3 ratio (1 part quinoa: 3 parts water)
  3.  Cook on low heat for 15-18 minutes.


  • Now add cooked quinoa to the bowl.
  • Add chopped, ripened mango and some roasted quick oats.
  • You can now garnish the bowl with some mixed seeds and nuts of your choice.
  • Mix them well.
  • You can simply serve and assemble as you want.
  • And your delicious and healthy “High Fibre and Protein bowl” is ready!


Mangoes are not only refreshing and tasty but also a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Potassium.

Quinoa is a great source of fiber, protein, and minerals. It is gluten-free and high in iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.

Jaggery Powder is rich in antioxidants and provides selenium, magnesium, and iron.

Oats are also rich in antioxidants and a great source of fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Seeds are rich in fiber, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium, copper, thiamine, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and other healthy fats.

Nuts contain Vitamin E, Magnesium, and lots of protein.

Low-fat curd is rich in B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Peanut butter provides the correct amount of protein to the drink.

380 Kcal64 g22 g13 g

Calories: 380 Kcal/ Serve

Try this highly nutritious and delicious recipe as your breakfast and give a boost to your day!

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