15 min Flat Belly Workout

Hope all of you are keeping safe, healthy and happy. While it’s true that you can’t spot reduce, research has shown that a good core workout is the closest thing we have to a flat belly workout. So get ready to blast off that belly fat with this 15 minute daily flat belly workout at

How to Achieve Permanent Weight loss?

All of us want to be in the perfect weight category. All of us lok forward to lose those extra kilos. But shedding those extra kilos and that extra weight requires a process which includes tackling all the kinds of weight we carry. This article is all about the different weights we carry and the

Why You Are Not Losing Belly Fat?

Hello everyone, hope all of you are keeping happy and healthy. Stubborn fat around the stomach is probably the most common bodily bugbear for both men and women. We store body fat under the skin and also around the vital organs in our abdomen. If diet and exercise haven’t done much to reduce this fat

10 Must Have Food for Flat Belly

Number of studies carried out have shoed that holding extra fat around the mid section increases health risks. Unsurprisingly, losing abdominal or belly fat is one of the prime weight loss goal of many people. Some specific food and nutrients are known to help target belly fat. Here are 10 healthy food which you should

8 Things to Do Everyday For Flat Belly

Hello everyone, hope all of you are keeping safe and sound. Losing the fat around your midsection can be trick and an uphill task. Luckily, there are a few things which you can do to effectively reduce your waist size. Here are 8 such strategies which can apply to lose that stubborn belly fat https://youtu.be/M26as9AAbIg

Women & Weight Loss Post 30’s

Welcome to the 30s! Your body starts to undergo a lot of changes post 30. Thesechanges are a part of growing older. You may feel that you’re slowing down a littleor you could feel like you’re in the prime of your life. Good healthy habits will helpyou continue to enjoy the wellness of mind and

Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds (Saunf) and Weight Loss

Fennel ( Saunf): Benefits, Uses & Dosage

Fennel is a very widely used culinary herb and medicinal plant. Both the bulb and the seeds of a fennel plant have a mild licorice like flavour. Aside from its culinary uses, fennel and its seeds offer a wide array of health benefits. It is an anti oxidant, is anti inflammatory and has anti bacterial

Why are you not Losing Belly Fat ?

Cortisol Hormone / Stress : Why you’re Not Losing Weight ?

Why are you not Losing Belly Fat ? Excess belly fat is extremely unhealthy. It increases the risk of diseases manifold. These diseases include metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer. The medical term for unhealthy fat around the belly is ‘visceral fat’ which refers to the fat surrounding the liver and

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

There are many reasons why we gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. Improving nutrition, increased activity, reducing stress and making simple lifestyle changes can help people lose the stubborn and unwanted belly fat. Dealing with this soft layer of squishy fat around the waist can be really annoying. It is

Types of Belly Fat and How to Reduce it

Types of Belly Fat and How to Reduce it

There are many reasons why we gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. Improving nutrition, increased activity, reducing stress and making simple lifestyle changes can help people lose the stubborn and unwanted belly fat. Dealing with this soft layer of squishy fat around the waist can be really annoying. It is