What a dietitian eats in a day

We all tend to get a little lazy in the winters months. This is all the more reason why we should be more particular about the food we consume in winters. It is important to eat balanced, keep a check on the portion and exercise. Let’s look at the food I consume to be in

Most Important Habits For Weight Loss

If you’re looking to be fit and in your ideal weight window, it is imperative to follow certain very important habits. These habits help you master some basic requirements that lay the foundation of weight loss. Let’s look at these habits https://youtu.be/gGN7Hrkrquo No crash diets Crash diets are probably the worst advice that one can

How To Eat A Balanced Diet

What you eat makes who you are. Wonder what a practicing dietician eats in a day ! In this article I have highlighted what I generally eat in a day. When I’m trying to get in shape, I stick to a 1300-1400 calorie meal plan. I also practice time restricted method of eating. Let’s see

The Secret To Losing Fat

Weight loss is much more than giving up your favorite food or snacks. It’s also not about hours spent training. It’s certainly not just about gaining knowledge or listening to expert advice. Weight loss is all about mastering some very basic healthy habits that help create the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. 75 % of

What is good for health – Roti or Rice

What is good for health – Roti or Rice ?

Being Indians no meal for us is complete without roti or rice or both. Both roti and rice form staple elements of our diet. Of late, there’s been a lot of questions asked about the pros and cons and the nutritional value of both roti and rice. Some of us also think that both roti