Most Important Habits For Weight Loss

If you’re looking to be fit and in your ideal weight window, it is imperative to follow certain very important habits. These habits help you master some basic requirements that lay the foundation of weight loss. Let’s look at these habits No crash diets Crash diets are probably the worst advice that one can

Kitchen Hacks To Eat Healthy

Cooking and eating at home is one of the best ways to stay and eat healthy. It is also one of the easiest ways to eat good nutritional food which doesn’t put a hole in your pocket. It is imperative however, that we make our cooking space that is our kitchen as convenient as possible. 

How Are The Japanese So Slim

Japan has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons and Japanese habits and lifestyle which helps them maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid being overweight. Japanese are known for their high life expectancy and there are certain things which we can inculcate in our lifestyle as

December Weight Loss Challenge

Winters months are usually slow and chilly, still it is important that we continue on our journey of maintaining good health and fitness. Let’s look at certain habits and tips which you must include in your routine for winters. These simple yet important tips will allow you to lose belly fat and extra weight in

November Weight Loss Challenge

This festival weight loss challenge will motivate you to work harder than before to achieve your fitness goals. If you’ve spent 2021 trying hard to follow and live healthy, just to fall off the wagon, than let’s try to start this month on the perfect note. Early winter weight loss challenge Follow a night

Lifestyle Changes To Stay Fit And Healthy

There are certain lifestyle changes which one should make to stay fit and healthy. Taking good care of the body is imperative to prevent health problems. Making these changes will also improve any underlying health issues which one might have. Let’s look at these small but important lifestyle changes which you should make Balance

Why you should eat chocolate to lose weight?

Okay! You don't need to re-read that again. Yes, I said You can eat chocolate to lose weight, but this time I am talking about dark chocolate. We will be discussing the health benefits, the nutritional composition of dark chocolate, and also How can you consume dark chocolate in order to gain positive health results.

Phool Makhana Dates Ladoo

Makhana ladoo is a fast and nutritious ladoo dish prepared with Phool makhana, almonds, and jaggery. Phool makhana is high in protein, carbs, and other nutrients, making it ideal for developing children.This dish is dairy-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free. Instead of sugar, I choose to use jaggery powder. Ultimately this is a delicious, tempting, and nutritious

Daily To Do List For Weight Loss

Weight loss or staying in your ideal weight is a continuous process. It is a lifestyle which you need to maintain in order to stay fit. We’re prepared a checklist as our basic guideline to lose weight. This list includes the steps you need to take in your weight loss journey. These small steps eventually

The Most Important To Lose Fat

This article is about the most important thing you need to lose weight. Over a period of time, we’ve made a lot of development of the techno front but the mindset is yet to evolve accordingly. There are five things which are highlighted in this article which determine your success in any field including weight