Cheapest Herb For Weight Loss

Ginger is one of the cheapest herbs for weight loss. Ginger contains compounds called gingerols and shogaols. These compounds stimulate several biological activities in the body. Ginger’s antioxidant properties help control free radicals and it’s anti inflammatory properties can help control inflammation. Ginger is a herb that can cure any problem related to gastro intestinal

Which Salt Is Best For You

Not all salts get made in the same way. It is imperative that you know about all types of salts that are available to understand which salt is the best for you. There are huge differences between white table salt and the himalayan pink salt. This article will bring out the main differences, benefits and

Coriander Seeds For Weight Loss

Coriander holds a very significant value in ayurvedic medicine. Coriander comes packed with loads of nutrients. Coriander seeds stimulate digestive enzymes and juices which throttle up our digestive system. Coriander is an excellent source of fibre. A healthy digestive system is one of the most crucial aspects for weight loss. Poor digestion can cause weight

Is Roti Good Or Bad For Weight Loss

Ditching rotis on a weight lss diet ? Do you really need to ! Is roti good or bad for you when you’re looking to lose weight ? How many rotis should you ideally have ? These are some of the questions which we’ve tried to answer in this article. Often when we’re on a

Is Milk Good Or Bad For You

India is one of the largest producer of milk in the world. Milk has been around for thousands of years. By definition, milk is a nutrient rich fluid that female mammals produce to feed their young. The most commonly used milk comes from cows, buffalos, sheep and goats. Milk consumption is always a hotly debated

Best Indian Snack To Lose Weight

Phool Makhana or Fox Nuts is quite commonly used specially during fasts in India. It is used as an ingredient in several food recipes including sweet dishes. In addition to being an popular ingredient in recipes, makhana can also be consumed as a nutritional and super healthy snack. Makhanas are low in cholesterol and are

Almonds : The Quintessential Super food

What should you eat empty stomach to lose weight and boost metabolism ? Well the answer is Soaked Almonds. Almonds are among the world’s most popular tree nuts. They are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. There are number of ways to consume this sper nut but the best way

Aloe Vera For Weight Loss

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. Aloevera can also be called as a world’s healthiest plant that is hydrating, helps you detox your body, boosts your energy, immunity and metabolism at the same time. It also helps you with glowing skin and luscious hair. Apart from

All About Kalonji Seeds

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. Kalonji seeds are also referred to as ‘seed of blessing’. Kalonji seeds are extensively used in ancient medicine and in various cuisines for their medicinal benefits and distinct flavour. Thesen seeds form an integral part of ayurvedic medicine and are

All About Amla

Amla or the Indian Gooseberry is highly nutritious and has amazing health benefits. Amla is a powerhouse of nutrients. Loaded with vitamin C, amla helps boost your immunity, metabolism and helps prevent common cold and cough. According to ayurveda, amla is known to balance all the processes in the body. Amla due to it’s amazing