World’s Best Green Juice for Quick Weight Loss

Wheatgrass is the young leaves of the common wheat plant.It is often referred to as the “green blood” for its rich chlorophyll content.Wheatgrass is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. It is especially high in vitamins A, K, C and E, as well as iron, calcium and amino acids.It is composed of, eight

Ready To Eat Storable Winter Snack

Winters are here, and with it, our indolence!As a result, I've created an ultimate ready-to-eat winter snack for you that can be made in as little time as possible with minimal work and supplies.This winter snack is full of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, as well as necessary vitamins and minerals and, of course, a

High Protein Oats Paneer Uttapam; Fitmeal@15 Episode 24.

Uttapam is one of the most eaten breakfasts in north India. High protein Oats Paneer is one of the best versions of it which can be very easily prepared in very little time and effort.Enriched with the goodness of vegetables, oats, and paneer, it is a wholesome meal rich in protein, and fiber. Health

High Protein Eggless Omelet; Fitmeal@15 Episode 23

This is the recipe you need if you want to make an omelet without an egg or use a substitute for an egg.But don't worry, the protein content remains the same as it was in the "egg omelet."This "High protein eggless omelet" is loaded with the goodness of chana dal flour, rice flour, and a

ALL About Dates: Best Time to Eat Dates, How Many Dates in a Day for Weight Loss?

Dates are a great substitute for regular sugar, as they are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index. Not only this, but they also serve many health benefits and loads of nutrition. Dates are highly nutritious. Nutrition in 1 Date Calories23 KcalCarbohydrate5 gmProtein0.3 gmFat0.03 gm Glycemic Index of Dates is 42 which

Healthy Crispy Carrot Fingers

Carrots are one of the healthiest vegetables available, providing a lot of nutrition as well as some significant health advantages.And, because we always encourage people to eat seasonal foods, this is the "season of carrots," and we're busy creating new and exciting healthy and delicious recipes with them."Healthy Crispy Carrot Fingers" is not only a

Collagen Boosting Winter Morning Drink

What is collagen? Collagen is a protein that is responsible for skin elasticity, or stretchiness, as well as healthy joints. It is found in your bones, muscles, and blood. As you get older, the collagen in your body breaks down, making it more difficult for your body to create more.Eating too much sugar and refined

High Protein Oats Spinach Omelette; Fitmeal@15 Episode 22

If you like eggs, it's a safe bet that you'll enjoy omelettes as well. And I prefer my omelettes to be laden with vegetables because it not only makes them more enticing and colorful, but it also makes them healthier and more nutritious.One of the primary components in this meal, which is jam-packed with nutrients

Golden Dinner Smoothie for Weight Loss; Fitmeal@15 Episode 21

Dinner smoothies are one of my all-time favorite and go-to quick recipes. This "Golden Dinner Smoothie" is named for its golden and bright appealing appearance, as well as its incredibly tempting and wonderful taste.“Golden Dinner Smoothie” combines all of the components that aid digestion, as light dinners are recommended, and all of the nutrients support

Healthy High Protein, High Fiber Winter Energy Bites/ Ladoos

Winter energy ladoos are a quick and easy snack to create with little effort.It's not only a healthy recipe, but also a delectably tasty, filling, and enticing snack.It's a wholesome and satisfying snack because it's packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. Health Benefits Aids in weight loss