Only Indian Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan That Works in Weight Loss.

Although, we have discussed many a times about the importance and value of "Intermittent Fasting", but before I share with you the most efficient "Intermittent Fasting Plan", let's get to some basics first.So, intermittent fasting is nothing but an eating strategy that alternates between fasting and regular mealtimes. According to research, intermittent fasting can help

December Weight Loss Diet Plan

Weight loss or even maintaining weight in winters isn’t easy. With appetite soaring at it’s highest, refraining from overindulgence is difficult. Keeping all these things in mind, we’ve got the perfect weight loss diet plan for December. Designed with great care, this diet plan is balanced, healthy and has all the nutrients to help keep

November Weight Loss Diet Plan

This is the diet plan for the month of November. This is a 1300 calorie fat loss meal plan. If you’ve taken up our November festival weight loss challenge to maintain and lose weight, here is the two week weight loss diet plan. This diet plan gives you a balanced and nutritious diet on a

March Weight Loss Diet Plan

Here is the two weeks diet plan for march weight loss challenge. This diet plan is easy to follow and will assist you in losing weight. With the changing weather, it is imperative that we also make changes in the diet plan accordingly. While there is no magical elixir to lose, eating healthy diet comprising

February Weight Loss Diet Plan

Have you taken up our February challenge to lose weight ? If yes, here is the weight loss diet plan for February. This is a 2 weeks Indian meal plan consisting of 1300-1400 calories and designed to lose weight. This easy to follow diet plan has been designed to help you achieve your weight loss

Winter Diet Plan To Boost Immunity

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. The colder months can pose challenges for the elders when it comes to maintaining good health and immunity. Let us see what can you do to follow a nutrition dense vegetarian diet plan for 40 plus people. Also included are

December 2 Weeks Weight Loss Diet Plan

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. Weight loss in winters isn’t easy. With your appetite soaring at it’s highest, refraining yourself from overindulgence is difficult. We bring to you our December weight loss challenge / diet  plan, an easy to follow, vegetarian winter diet plan that

Weight Loss Challenge

2 Weeks November Weight Loss Diet Plan

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. Have you taken up our november festival weight loss challenge to maintain and lose weight! If yes, here is the two weeks Indian vegetarian diet / meal plan to help you achieve your festival weight loss goals. With this diet

October diet plan

We recently posted the weight loss challenge for the month of October. Following that, this is the 2 week meal plan for the month to help you achieve your healthy weight loss goals. This diet plan is balanced and nutritious at the same time. All major food groups are included in this diet plan. This

June Weight Loss Diet Plan

This diet plan is for you to help achieve your june weight loss goals. With this diet plan you can have a balanced and nutritious diet on a daily basis. This diet plan is a bit challenging, the diet is slightly low on carbs and high on protein and fibre. It is suited for anyone