Green Tea for Weight Lose : Benefits and Myths

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water. All types of tea, except herbal tea are brewed from the dried leaves of the tea plant. It is the level of oxidation of the leaves that determines the type of tea. Green tea is made from unoxidized leaves and hence is one

Banana – Good for Weight Loss or Weight Gain ?

Perhaps the most common fruit we’ve all come across is a banana. Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world. Eating bananas could help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cancer and asthma. A wide variety of other health benefits are associated with this curvy yellow fruit. Apart from

Flax Seeds : Nutritional Facts, Health Benefits & Usage

Flax also known as common flax or linseed is a food and fiber crop cultivated in cooler parts of the world. Flax is grown for its seeds which are used as a nutritional supplement. Though tiny, Flax seeds are rich in the omega 3 fatty acid, lignans and fiber all of which have been shown

Cinnamon : Health Benefits, Nutrition, Usage

Cinnamon : Health Benefits, Nutrition, Usage

Cinnamon is a spice derived from an evergreen tropical tree species. It is used mainly as a condiment in a variety of dishes. With its therapeutic and antioxidants Cinnamon can help you lose weight along with other health benefits. Cinnamon as a spice exists for over 5000 years. In addition to being a kitchen staple,

Chia Seeds : Nutrition, Health Benefits and Recipes

When it comes to super food there are very few which are worthy of the title. Apart from being rich in nutrients, omega 3 fat, antioxidants and fibre, Chia seeds are extremely easy to prepare. Studies suggest that Chia seeds have innumerable health benefits. This article gives an insight into the various health benefits of