Soy Chunks Healthy or Not For Extreme Weight Loss ?

Soy chunks are one of the underrated vegetarian protein sources available in the market. It is gaining hype in today's world, especially for the youth building muscle mass and staying on natural diets. It is counted as one of the greatest source of protein that you can add to your diet.But,Are Soy Chunks / Nuggets

10 Super Easy Ways to Guarantee Belly Fat Loss. No Dieting, No Gymming.

We often underestimate the power of the difference we can add to our lives, even after adopting many small changes. It is not always necessary to go for big things, sometimes very simple and easy to do things can make a major difference. Stacking Small Healthy Habits. As they say drops of water makes

Best Zero Calorie Vegetable: Bottle Gourd / Lauki For Quick Weight Loss.

Bottle gourd is one of the healthiest vegetables that is a must addition to your diet.Lauki or dudhi / Bottle Gourd is a powerhouse of nutrients and health benefits.It’s High on water content, therefore known as "Water Vegetable", fiber and is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Lauki Nutrition Bottle gourd contains Several essential nutrients like

The Real Indian Vegetarian Diet to Lose Belly Fat; How to Lose inches to Get Flat stomach?

Most of you would be amazed to know that we have Gut bacteria of weight more than 2.5 kgs inside our stomach. Your body contains trillions of bacteria.Research claims that lean people have 70% more healthy/good gut bacteria when compared to obese people.Your gut bacteria can also affect how different foods are digested and produce

All About Sabudana; Is it Good for Weight Loss?

Sabudana, a very popularly known ingredient in North Indian households is mostly consumed in breakfast or during Navratri fasting. The most popular dish prepared from sabudana is “Sabudana Khichdi”. Others include sago kheer, sabudana tikki, pancakes, papad, thalipeeth, dosa, vada & porridge.So, does Sabudana contributes in weight loss?Does it provide any nutrition or health benefits?How

Burn 300 Calories Daily This Summer; Without Dieting or Exercise

Whenever we think about "Losing weight", first step that comes to our mind is burning more and more calories!Burning more calories than you consume is the most important step in the ladder of weight loss.So here are some very simple and mindful techniques to burn or cut down at most 300 calories everyday in summers.Smart

Quick Oats are Processed; Should We Eat them in Weight Loss?

Quick Oats has many notions about it. Some people consider it as a wholesome food with all the desired nutrients. But some think that because Quick Oats Are Processed, Then How Are They Healthy?Can we Eat Quick or Instant Oats in Weight Loss?So, to get an answer to all of this, we need to recall

90% of People Don’t Know About These ways to Lose Belly Fat (No Dieting, No Gymming)

Diet plus exercise equals weight loss right, "No" it's not entirely correct. Weight loss does have many other factors to consider too. Undoubtedly diet and exercise are the prominent factors for losing weight but weight loss is not entirely dependent on them.Any form of stress, no matter how mild, affects neurotransmitters that control: MoodThinkingAppetiteBehaviorIt and

April Weight Loss Challenge; Lose up to 15kgs This Summer!

Weight loss is gradual and time taking process which needs both hard work and smart work.To make it a little smart for you, I have brought you up the "April Weight Loss Challenge" which contains the list of challenges you need to do to proceed a little quicker in your weight loss journey.So, are you

Fit meal Summer Smoothie Recipe

Making all those old boring smoothies with same or similar ingredients need to change. Variety is the key to consistency!So, today’s smoothie is made up of a fruit with ultimate benefits and amazing nutritional profile.Sapota, also commonly known as “Chikoo” is the important ingredient in this smoothie which makes it different from the usual smoothies.