Eating a Balanced Diet on a Budget

Eating a balanced and healthy diet is important for overall health and well-being. However, many people believe that eating healthy means spending a lot of money on expensive foods. This is not necessarily true. In this article, we will discuss some practical tips on how to eat a balanced diet on a budget. Plan your

Just One Cup Before Bedtime For One Month To Get Flat Belly.

This bed time drink is a super hit for weight loss & better sleep altogether. Consume this bedtime drink before you go for sleeping. Consuming this bedtime drink along with consuminh balanced diet and some sort of physical activity can result you maximum results.It is super eas to make as it is composed of all

February Weight Loss Challenge; 21 Days Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan.

Food Fitness and Fun brought you by an amazing 21 days weight loss diet plan aimed for the month of february as a challenge for you people. No matter if you could not accept it before, it's never too late to start a good thing. This is a very simple and easy to follow plan,

Flax seeds for weight loss & hormonal balance; अलसी के बीज को इस्तेमाल करने का सही तरीका !

Flax seeds or Linseeds also known as Alsi in Hindi are the powerhouses of nutrients. They are deep brown or golden colour seeds rich in soluble and insoluble fibre. They are the richest source of plant-based omega 3 & alpha-linolenic acid. Flax Seeds are also high in phytoestrogens, and lignins which mimic estrogen and help

Truth About Intermittent Fasting?

Before hoping onto the truth of intermittent fasting, let's run by the basics first. What is Intermittent Fasting? In layman's language, An eating pattern known as intermittent fasting (IF) alternates between periods of fasting and eating.It focuses on the timing of your meals rather than the specific items you should eat. This means that

5 Best Ways To Use Turmeric / हल्दी For Effective Weight Loss.

The tall plant known as turmeric, sometimes known as Indian saffron or the golden spice, is native to Asia and Central America. The primary biologically active component of turmeric is called curcumin. Turmeric is suggested for a number of medical issues by the traditional Indian medical system known as ayurveda.Turmeric is loaded with multiple antioxidants

30 Days Full Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan For September Loose upto 10 kgs!

Unlike other months, we have again simplified it for you and here is another month's weight loss diet plan for 30 days.We can open doors for you, but entering that door is in your hands. This is yet another master diet plan, which is well balanced, delicious and very healthy. Not only it can be

Veg Diet Plan for Weight Loss & Hormonal Balance. (1400-1600 Calories)

For everyone who hasn't learned it yet and to review the fundamentals:Instead of being a diet, intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting.The intermittent fasting idea typically entails a 16-hour fasting window and an 8-hour eating window.However, the 14: 10 fasting and eating interval is preferable for women.

Does & Don’t Of Methi Seeds for Weight Loss & Hormonal Balance.

Today the article is all about "METHI DANA", its use, advantages, disadvantages, best time for consumption, side effects, best or worst ways to consume, in short everything you need to knwo about it!Methi Dana is a very Popular Ayurvedic or naturopathic Remedy for many health problems.Methi is great for improving Gut health & reducing inflammation.All

Eat this Magical Indian Fruit Daily For Hormonal Balance, Weight Loss & Flawless Skin.

This super healthy fruit which we are going to be elaborating is super-healthy and beneficial for us, It is rich in Iron, Antioxidants & Vitamin C.This fruit is commonly called the Indian blackberry, Java plum, or black plum.Kala jamun is a juicy, sweet, slightly tangy fruit which has a distinct taste and is loaded with